Tuesday, January 27, 2015

And the Countdown Begins…

Doctor’s schedule confirmed. The cells that were harvested have multiplied. Pete's consent obtained to be left alone with a six year old for a week. Parents have been informed that they are going to have a visitor. My peeps are on 'boo boo buddy' alert. Plane tickets have been purchased.

Let’s get this trial underway!

It will be nice not to wait and worry as much. It will be nice to be able to free up brain space to think of something else. It will be nice to be back in NYC more regularly for awhile.

As a refresher, I have agreed to be a participant in an FDA approved trial that will be looking at the efficacy of using autologous mesenchymal stem cells to stop the progression, and hopefully improve symptoms, in those of us with Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis.

Autologous means "(of cells or tissues) obtained from the same individual," and mesenchymal stem cells are cells that can differentiate into a variety of cell types - including nervous tissue. So the working theory here is that by inserting a high concentration of ones own cells that can transform themselves into anything, the body will start healing itself of any damage.

It is not a transplant. It is not surgery. No chemo. No anesthetic. Just my own cells. LOTS of them.

Dr. Sadiq's trial is different than the other two FDA approved trials in the US in that he is injecting a dose of 9-10,000,000 cells directly into the cerebral spinal fluid.

The week of March 23rd will be spent mostly at Sadiq's MS Center (http://www.tischms.org) being poked, prodded, and MRIed to document the 'before' state. Thursday March 26 will be the big day when the spinal tap and cell injection happens. Then home to be on my back for 24 hours so I do not get a spinal headache. Then Mom will fly back to Seattle with me on the 29th.

Then we wait some more.

That's it. Sounds easy, right? Oy…..

I expect I will need to sign some sort of gag order where I will not be able to write about any potential changes in my overall condition - either positive or negative. I will be able to answer friend's questions - so there will be added incentive to have those long awaited catch up conversations! That being said, others in the trial who have already begun treatment are mentioning some things which keep me hopeful and optimistic about the potential upside for me. (http://richardmcohen.com/hope-redux/)

However, I know all too well that each of us afflicted has a unique set of symptoms and reactions to treatment, so I am concentrating on preparing myself the best way I know how for this: exercising; eating as 'clean' as possible (no gluten, dairy or sugar - thank god Charlie's birthday is done with!); and understanding that this will not necessarily be a sprint - this is a Head race. In a single. With a headwind. If I am well prepared, conditions will not phase me and I just keep pulling as hard as I can to cross that finish line. With some Italian red wine to help in case of emergency.

Please do not be alarmed if you do not get any written updates, or see any reports of stem cell therapy scams. I have a lot of faith in Sadiq and his science. This trial is not a scam. He and his work are legitimate and potentially hold an important key to helping those of us with MS.

Here is to wishing for a steady tailwind!

See you in NYC.

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