Thursday, June 5, 2014

First Words

Sitting down with a cup of tea and writing has been a long time coming.

There have been plenty kicks in the pants, though what finally pushed me over the edge this morning was finding out that I ruptured my ear drum somehow and I didn't even know it. Well, I knew something wasn't right, I just didn't know how serious it might be. I have been so focused on Charlie's health the past couple weeks, guess I forgot about me.

Thus the decision to 'rest' a bit this morning, after taking my first dose of antibiotics, and embrace Dani Shapiro's words from 'Still Writing - The Perils and Pleasures of a Creative Life,' and sit and write. Something. Anything. Just write. With a cuppa green tea.

Not to worry, I will not write just anything. The blogs I follow often leave me annoyed with the amount of stuff that is spewing out. TMI. I have also been intimidated by blogs written by others with MS in terms of the amount of information about the disease and possible treatments presented. That's not what I feel I need to share with those friends and family members asking questions. And then there was that blog by the chef who replicated many of Julia Child's recipes. Zany, interesting, and ultimately a movie! Fun!

So where would what I have to say fit in the blogoshere? Do I really want to be in there? Hmmm.

However, I have been asked to share what is happening with my health and I need to find an expeditious way to share the facts. Just the facts ma'am. But also have a bit of cathartic fun. As well as chronicle a bit of the journey so that if one day, Charlie starts asking a lot of questions about his mom, there will be a practical source upon which he can practice his new reading skills. And gather a bit more information for himself.

OK then.

Here we go.

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